
Meet Specific Needs

Street Outreach &
Compassionate Care

Create meaningful connections with our neighbors struggling to survive on the City's streets. Weekly opportunities through: 

NYC Relief

The Salvation Army

Bowery Mission

NYC Rescue Mission

Shelter &
Life Transformation

Contribute to create safe, clean shelter and residential recovery programs through teaching, mentoring, and loving the guests in our programs through: 

Bowery Mission

Goodwill Rescue Mission

NYC Rescue Mission

Employment &
Job Training

Support our homeless friends as they develop the skills and the habits to maintain a job, which is so crucial to finding adequate, stable housing, reconnecting with family and staying on track spiritually and in recovery. 

The Salvation Army

NYC Rescue Mission

Bowery Mission

Interested in serving in another way or with another vulnerable population? 
Check out other opportunities through Hope for New York